About Me

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Hi. Welcome to my "taboo" blog. My name is Steph, and when I first started this, I was still in my thirties. In 2017, I switch decades! I am a Christian, so underlying everything I do and say is the Word of God, and the foundational truths I have learnt over the years. This doesn't mean I'm perfect - I am human. It just means I recognise I need God's help to live this life and try to live out His way, as best I can. So that's me in a nutshell. Thanks for taking the time to read through my blog, I hope you draw strength, hope or encouragement from what you read.

Relevant Books

There are a few books being written for Christians TTC by Christians who have been dealing with their own sub-fertility journeys, which as an avid reader,I found to be quite useful and encouraging. 

You may be looking for something to read, to help you hear from God, or just to find a Godly perspective on what you are going through... and although each of our journey's are different, you may draw strength and encouragement from someone else's journey.

To read what I say about each book, just click on the book title and you will be redirected to the relevant page.

One of the most important books I have ever read on the Christian struggle with infertility is Resurrection Year by Sheridan Voysey. Using journal entries, reflections, intimate conversations and prayer, Sheridan weaves the story of the journey he and his wife, Merryn, have had to walk. It led them half way across the world to leave their home land of Austrailia and begin a new life in the UK. Honestly, this will pull on your heart strings and offer you insight into how a husband is impacted by sub-fertility, as he tries to carry his wife.

This one is my absolute favourite, to-date, as it is simply a collection of individual testimonies from men and women dealing with their own journey of infertility:
Empty Womb, Aching Heart

This book I found incredibly encouraging at a time when I was struggling to deal with some of the emotional aspects of wanting to have a baby and not being able to:
Water From the Rock

Some other books worth checking out are:
Living With Infertility

Although this book is more about praying through pregnancy and childbirth, there is a chapter devoted to women like us who are TTC, with guidelines of how to pray for those times when we really don't know what to pray, in the faith that we will experience a supernatural childbirth:Supernatural Childbirth

Books I have read, but I am yet to write a review:
  • Just the Two of Us

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