I believe in my heart of hearts that marriage is the best place to raise a child... a marriage between one husband and one wife. A place where a family is safe to grow and develop and where children can become all they were created to be.
So when I hear of children being born outside of marriage, or watch children struggling to know the whole story of who they are because their family is not the traditional God-ordained unit which has broken down across society, I struggle to comprehend why I am not yet a mother.
Watching television, there are sooooo many chat shows where this woman wants to prove this man is the father of her child... out of a possible 3 men... but she is convinced it is THIS one, THIS time.
There are news reports on a regular basis of another child being found neglected because the father hasn't been on the scene since the baby was conceived, and the mother just needed to get away and go on holiday... without her child. Or she can't cope with the screaming one more night and lashes out at her child.
Even today I heard of a woman who has a young baby, who was conceived through an internet add for a man to have sex with a woman who is in a gay relationship, just because she wanted to have a baby. They met in a dark, damp caravan to seal the deal... don't know whether it was just the one time... and hey presto... baby was conceived... she has 4 other children who were all taken off her and placed into care. Seriously... how is that fair! Not only do I not yet have a child, but I am paying for this other woman's baby through my taxes!!
But, as I said... God is the giver of life, and He has no obligation to give me a child... it is His right to determine when a life is created, and to whom. As hard as this may be for me to comprehend, I place my future in His hands.
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