About Me

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Hi. Welcome to my "taboo" blog. My name is Steph, and when I first started this, I was still in my thirties. In 2017, I switch decades! I am a Christian, so underlying everything I do and say is the Word of God, and the foundational truths I have learnt over the years. This doesn't mean I'm perfect - I am human. It just means I recognise I need God's help to live this life and try to live out His way, as best I can. So that's me in a nutshell. Thanks for taking the time to read through my blog, I hope you draw strength, hope or encouragement from what you read.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


So I went for a walk into my local town centre, part of my RC exercise routine to keep moving on a daily basis! It was COLD!!! But, it is really nice to be able to walk! Not that long ago I was having problems with my hip every time I tried to walk... or just move. So as I look back, each journey without a stiffening or pain in the hip area is another day to rejoice!! I'm only 35!!!!

Anyway, so I was doing what us gals love to do, checking out the various boutiques from the outside in, when I found a new shop I hadn't noticed before. It was a shop full of baby items, little prams, and pushchairs, cute clothes and toys, so many gorgeous items.

If I had a bump, I could have happily gone in and browsed around to my hearts content. But at the moment, it is my guilty pleasure. Around Christmas, my mother and I spent a wonderful time in one of these stores, which was full of cute outfits for babies - little angels and reindeer! I can't wait!

It's funny though, because for almost every other area of our lives, we can buy stuff and make preparations for the future. When Hubby first proposed to me, I promptly went out and started to buy little things for the Wedding Day and for the ensuing marriage, putting them in my "bottom drawer". Ready.

But at this stage of life, as Hubby and I are trying for Bubba, we have no guarantees. And so although there are so many cute items for babies, I can't indulge in my desire to BUY BUY BUY!! For starters, we have no idea when we will conceive - or IF we will conceive. and secondly, when we do conceive we are not going to know how strong Bubba will be as he or she develops to full term. and thirdly, we could have either a boy or a girl... or both - though I don't think there are twins in either of our family trees.

So if I was to buy anything - what would be the point when it may or not be relevant in the future. I could have bought a Christmas Pudding outfit, but if we have a girl she would probably look so much more adorable in an angel outfit instead.  There's no point in buying any of the larger items, where would it be kept when we haven't made space for Bubba just yet, because at the back of the mind - whether we like it or not - is a sense of... what if...!

For almost every area, we can plan accordingly for our futures, but with children, we don't have that same opportunity. Everything seems to be on hold. Maybe I should just buy a Teddy Bear... gender neutral, and will last for ever!